Thursday, February 28, 2008


Greetings all
Things here are getting tense. The President went on the radio last night for a nationwide address and everybody I talked to said they believe he only made things worse. The biggest grievances people have are the high gas prices and high market food prices. Apparently he only talked about political things. The guy wants to "run" again in 2011 even though he will be well into his 80's. Most people here only want to hear that they will be able to afford to feed their families and most believe he has lost touch with that.
School is out and this end of town is pretty calm. Other than hundreds of people walking to work and other places (no taxis) all over the roads, it is pretty quiet. We heard that the water was going to be shut off soon to the whole city so we filled everything we have in case. There are a few missionaries who have started packing but I do not think we are close to that point. Most of the trouble has been in Douala but yesterday was pretty rough downtown. I drove down a ways to the south to bring home a fellow teacher and other than Army guys with machine guns at every intersection and people walking places it was pretty normal. I haven't heard anything about today yet but most people think it will get worse before it gets better. I would be surprised if we had school tomorrow. Too many kids live on the other end of town and can't get through the roadblocks. We'll see.
I hear thunder for the first time since November. Maybe we will get a little rain. TWINS first preseason game today.
Keep praying for a positive resolution to this mess.
Brian & Betsy


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